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Re: [pygame] Two questions regarding a simple space shooter

    keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
    if K_LEFT in keys:

get_pressed() returns a sequence of True/Falses, so K_LEFT will never be in keys. You can use the K_constants to index into the returned sequence, i.e: if keys[K_LEFT]: ship_move_left()

I like this method better than checking KEYDOWN/KEYUP events. In the
arkanoid/pong clone I'm working on (this is the pygame "hello,
world!", apparently), I handled keyboard input something like this:

def handle_player_input(player, keymap): # keymap is the output from pygame.key.get_pressed() # player.moves is a dictionary that looks like { "up":K_UP, "down":K_DOWN, etc. etc.} moves = player.moves dx, dy = 0, 0 #Resting if keymap[moves["up"]]: dy = -1 elif keymap[moves["down"]]: dy = 1 if keymap[moves["left"]]: dx = -1 elif keymap[moves["right"]]: dx = 1 if keymap[moves["fire"]]: pygame.event.post(Event(USEREVENT, {"code":"fire!", "player":player, etc. })) return dx, dy

(I'm letting the paddle travel in two directions, so it's a little
more complicated. You could easily drop one of the dimensions if you
don't want it.)

(Fair warning -- I'm new to this myself, this might not be the best
way of doing things...)

Good luck!