Hi All,
Just writing to say that this month's PyGAME SF meet up is on Monday
May 5th at 7.30pm at the Metreon food court in
month's presentations are:
- Casey Duncan "Getting off the ground with Pyglet and OpenGL". This
talk will cover Basic Pyglet setup and event handling, an introduction
to Pyglet's OpenGL wrapper, Creating and using 3D models in Pyglet and
- Niall O'Higgins, Harry Tormey "Building an intelligent P2P download
suggestion engine with wxPython". This talk will cover analysis of P2P
networks and early efforts at presenting this data using wxPython and
discussion of plans to visualize this information using OpenGL.
If anyone else would like to give a micro presentation, show demos or
just talk about what they are doing or generally give examples on
anything to do with cross platform development, games, widget tool
kits or anything else relating to software development please feel
free to head along.
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