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[pygame] seg fault question with numpy and pygame and py2exe
Hello all,
I have read that there is an issue with Exception in _numpysurfarray.py
But I don't think my issue is the same. The code compiles and runs fine normally using python interpreter. When I run py2exe I produce a windows executable. But, when I run the windows executable, I get a segmentation fault. Here is the actual error:
Fatal Python error: (pygame parachute) Segmentation Fault
I tried to make the smallest case example:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import pygame
import numpy
from pygame.locals import *
def main():
mini_surfarray = pygame.surfarray.array3d(mini)
#this calls the 'main' function when this script is executed
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Here is my system
windows 64 vista
python: 2.5.2
pygame 1.8.0
py2exe 0.6.6
numpy 1.0.4
Is this the same issue as numpysurfarray.py? I apologize if this is a py2exe or numpy issue. I am not sure where to look further since the pygame parachute doesn't give me more information.
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