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[pygame] PyOpenGL Screenshots
- To: "pygame-users@xxxxxxxx" <pygame-users@xxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [pygame] PyOpenGL Screenshots
- From: "Ian Mallett" <geometrian@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 6 May 2008 21:20:28 -0700
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- Reply-to: pygame-users@xxxxxxxx
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-I have a project which must be finished by Thursday. The project is a movie, for a presentation, and my solution has been to make a program to render each frame in OpenGL. I can now render each frame individually, but now I face the challenge of turning these renders into a movie. (Movie capture programs are no good--free ones have drawbacks, and in any case the renders are slow to update (think 1 fps tops).).
-I decided to do it as a .gif animation, as I have several programs for making movies from a series of images.
-The obvious thing to do is to copy each frame into the programs, building my movie that way.
-However, there are exactly 1200 frames in the movie at a minimal quality--that's (150 frames/scene)*(8 scenes). I want this framerate to be higher. This pushes the frame count higher, naturally. The stupendous number of necessary frames is impractical to copy via ALT-PRINTSCREEN--(my current method).
-The ideal solution is to directly export the frames into a .gif animation.
-My second best option would be to save each render in a separate file. I could then drag and drop these renders chunks at a time into my program to make the animation.
-I face several challenges here. The most important is that I have no idea how to save screenshots from PyOpenGL. Last I heard, people sort-of had ideas about how to do it. pygame.image.save() does not work on OpenGL surfaces. Any concrete working examples here?
-Summary: From an PyOpenGL program, what is a working method of saving renders to either many files or directly to a .gif animation?