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Re: [pygame] Re:[pygame] networking example
Thanks for the info.
I've been going through the Twisted tutorials. I tried out raknet, but
I only found one tutorial.
Here's psuedo code I wrote trying to accomplish the Asteroids demo
above. Am I heading in the right direction?
Should I be using LineReceiver() and just send text messages like
that? Will parsing the message strings be too slow? Or should I be
using actual python objects in the messages? I'm not sure how I can
handle the data.
# Should I be using text messages, or be using python lists?
# Snippet from tutorial: finger19a.py
def getUser(self, user):
return defer.succeed(self.users.get(user, "No such user"))
def getUsers(self):
return defer.succeed(self.users.keys())
def setUser(self, user, status):
self.users[user] = status
# Here's my psuedo code test:
import twisted stuff # psuedo code import
# == game_client.py ==
class GameClient( basic.LineReceiver ): # or wrong class for the client?
def __init__(self):
self.asteroids = [] # list of: Asteroid(Actor):
self.bullets = [] # list of: Bullet(Actor):
self.ships = [] # list of: Ship(Actor):
self.state = "round start"
def keyboard_input(self):
if keyPressed['fire'] and cooldownDone():
msg = "fire, bullet, %d, %d" % ( self.loc.x, self.loc.y )
self.factory.server.message( msg )
def loop(self):
"""main loop"""
if self.state == "round start":
self.factory.server.message( "ready" )
elif self.state == "round":
# update my location to server
if time_elapsed( 150 ms ): # but only ever Xms elapsed
id, x, y = self.ship.ID, self.ship.loc.x, self.ship.loc.y
self.factory.server.message("player, %d, %d, %d" % (id, x, y ) )
# else: always:
sleep() # or not?
def lineReceived(self, line):
"""string received command from clients
example: 'fire, bullet, x, y' """
cmds = splitIntoCmds(line)
if cmds[0] == "fire":
self.spawn( cmds[1:] ) # arg is the rest of the command
if cmds[0] == "player":
id, x, y = cmds[1], cmds[2], cmds[3]
self.ships[id].loc = (x, y )
# == game_server.py ==
class GameServer(basic.LineReceiver): # Maybe wrong type to descend from
def __init__(self):
self.asteroids = [] # list of: Asteroid(Actor):
self.bullets = [] # list of: Bullet(Actor):
self.ships = [] # list of: Ship(Actor):
self.state = "round start"
def randomAsteroids(self):
"""init randomized asteroids"""
self.spawn( "asteroid, %d, %d" % ( rand(), rand() )
def loop(self):
"""main loop"""
if self.state = "round start":
self.state = "round" # could wait till I get a 'ready'
from all players
elif self.state = "round":
self.update() # update physics
# also update players movements to each other
for c in self.factory.clients:
c.message( "player, ID, loc" )
sleep() # or not ?
def spawn(self, cmds):
"""spawn something: unit, x, y
and notify clilents"""
unit, x, y = cmds[0], cmds[1], cmds[2]
if unit == "bullet":
self.bullets.append( Bullet( x, y ) )
elif unit == "asteroid":
self.asteroids.append( Asteroid( x, y ) )
# notify clients of new Actor()'s
msg = "spawn: %s, %d, %d" % ( unit, x, y )
for c in self.factory.clients:
def lineReceived(self, line):
"""string received command from clients
example: 'fire, bullet, x, y' or 'player, ID, x, y' """
cmds = splitIntoCmds(line)
if cmds[0] == "fire":
self.spawn( cmds[1:] ) # arg is the rest of the command
if cmds[0] == "player":
id, x, y = cmds[1], cmds[2], cmds[3]
self.ships[id].loc = (x, y )