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Re: [pygame] pygame documentation license
- To: pygame-users@xxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [pygame] pygame documentation license
- From: "René Dudfield" <renesd@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 09:13:59 +1000
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- Reply-to: pygame-users@xxxxxxxx
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You'd probably need to ask a Lawyer - or ask your publisher to ask a Lawyer.
On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 5:14 AM, Nathan Whitehead <nwhitehe@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I would like to include a quick reference to pygame functions in an
> appendix of my book. Would it be permissible to use the documentation
> of pygame for this (reformatted and possibly reorganized)?
> It appears the documentation is LGPL. The source code of the appendix
> would appear on the book's website (LaTeX source). The entire book
> would not be LGPL. Some chapters will appear for free on the website,
> others will not. I think this would be OK, but I'm not a license
> expert. Any thoughts? Apart from legalities, would that be
> appropriate?
> --
> Nathan Whitehead
> deadpixelpress.com