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[pygame] BUG in make_sound()?

# A Pygame BUG Report: (Bug found about May 2009)
#  To Pygame People:
#   (Best when viewed with a monospaced font.)
#   I think I found a glitch/bug . . .
#      pygame.sndarray.make_sound() sometimes returns a "channel"?
#   Below is a program that can possibley re-do the glitch.
# requirements to run:
#          (python 2.5 or higher)?
#    and:   (pygame 2.8.0 or pygame 2.8.1)?
#    and:    (numpy)?
# On my computer:
#   The glitch was found with:  (python 2.5.2 + pygame 2.8.0 + numpy
1.2.1)  and:  (python 2.6.2 + pygame 2.8.1 + numpy 1.3.0 ).
#   after a while of running (About 2 to 10 minutes), this program
closes and give one of these errors?:
#      This one:         TypeError: argument 1 must be
pygame.mixer.Sound, not Channel           <--(common)
#      Or this one:      Fatal Python error: (pygame parachute)
Segmentation Fault                   <--(rare)
#                         This application has requested the Runtime
to terminate in an unusual way.
#                           . . .
#   (I did a google search to see if anybody else had discovered this glitch--
#     But-- I didn't find any pages about it . . . )
# My computer stats:
#   Windows Vista Home Premium
#    Service Pack 1
#     win32/32-bit Operating System
#      Processor:     Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU E2180 @ 2.00GHz 2.00 GHz
#       RAM/memmory:   3.00 GB
# Here's the program:

def HE_HE_init():
    global screen
    global screen_x_size
    global screen_y_size
    global channel_max
    if sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.platform == 'win64':
       os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1'

      # init the pygame.mixer according to the pygame version number:
    versiony_numbery = pygame.version.vernum
    numby = int(str(versiony_numbery[0]) + str(versiony_numbery[1]) +
    if numby >= 181: pygame.mixer.init(44100, -16, 1)
    else: pygame.mixer.init(22050, -16, 2)

    channel_max = 5
    screen_x_size = 640
    screen_y_size = 480
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_x_size, screen_y_size))
    pygame.display.set_caption('BUG? --> pygame.sndarray.make_sound() <-- BUG?')

def Lets_ROLL():

    previous_channel = None

      # Some    frequencies/Hz/Cycles-per-second: (ABCDEFGs)
    noteyish = (440, 493.883, 261.626, 293.665, 329.628, 349.228, 391.995,
                 440*2.0, 493.883*2.0, 261.626*2.0, 293.665*2.0,
329.628*2.0, 349.228*2.0, 391.995*2.0,
                  440/2.0, 493.883/2.0, 261.626/2.0, 293.665/2.0,
329.628/2.0, 349.228/2.0, 391.995/2.0

    t = time.time()

    while True:   # <-- Main loop

         # Keep program from  running/executing  "too fast":
      while t > time.time(): pass
      t = time.time() + 0.10

      screen.fill((0, 0, 0))

         # Close the  window/program  if:  [Esc is pressed]  or:  [The
X button is pressed]
      key = pygame.key.get_pressed()
      if key[K_ESCAPE]: END()
      for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == QUIT: END()

       ##### generate/create  and  display/draw  numpy_sound_data: #####

      total_duration_in_seconds  = .25
      samples_per_second          = 22050
      total_amount_of_samples      = total_duration_in_seconds *
      cicles_per_every_second   = noteyish[int(random.random() * ((7 *
3) - 1) )] #440.0
      numpy_sound_data =  array([0] * int(total_amount_of_samples))

         # setup some variables for  drawing/displaying  numpy_sound_data
      x = 0
      y = 200
      x_dividey = 10
      y_dividey = 1000
      y_addy = 200
      x2 = 0
      y2 = 400
      x2_dividey = 2
      y2_addy_addy = 200

         # yyygr  should cause a "slight" "waver" in the
      yyygr       = 0.00001
      yyygr_speed = 0.0
      #yyygr_speed = (0.0005 / 2.0) - random.random() * 0.0005

      specialy = len(numpy_sound_data) - 1
      specialyy2 = specialy - 1000
      specialyy3 =        0 + 300
      if specialy > 2000: specialy -= 2000

      for n in range(0, len(numpy_sound_data)):

           if yyygr < 0:
             yyygr_speed -= 0.0000005
           elif yyygr > 0:
             yyygr_speed += 0.0000005
           yyygr += yyygr_speed

           wavey_gurgy = ( float(n) * float(cicles_per_every_second +
yyygr)  /  float(samples_per_second) )

           numpy_sound_data[n] = int(    math.sin(  wavey_gurgy *
radians(360)  ) * 20000.0        )

            # This "pinches" the ends of the "numpy_sound_data":
           if n >= specialyy2:
             numpy_sound_data[n] *= (1.0 - (n - specialyy2) / 1000.0)
           if n <= specialyy3:
             numpy_sound_data[n] *= (n / 300.0)

            # Draw/plot two stretched versions of the "numpy_sound_data":
           xa = x
           ya = y
           x = n  / x_dividey
           y = numpy_sound_data[n] / y_dividey + y_addy
           xa2 = x2
           ya2 = y2
           x2 = n / x2_dividey
           y2 = y + y2_addy_addy
           pygame.draw.line(screen, (200, 200, 200), (x, y), (xa, ya))
           pygame.draw.line(screen, (200, 200, 200), (x2, y2), (xa2, ya2))


       ###### convert "numpy_sound_data" to pygame.mixer.Sound and
play it: #######

      sound_thing   =   pygame.sndarray.make_sound( numpy_sound_data )
# <-- This should always return a sound, right?

      if previous_channel != None:   previous_channel.fadeout(300) #
<-- Fade out previous sound. (if any)

      print type(sound_thing)                                        #
<-- Should print:  <type 'pygame.mixer.Sound'>

      previous_channel =
pygame.mixer.find_channel(True).play(sound_thing, 0)  # <-- This line
is where the program "should" give an error.

def END():
    print ''
    print 'Program ended?'
    print "###############################################################################"
    print "###############################################################################"
    print ''
    raise SystemExit, ''

import os
import sys
import math
import random
import time
#import gc
#import copy as pythoncopy
#import string
#import struct
#from time import strftime, localtime
#import wave

print ""
print "###############################################################################"
print "###############################################################################"
print "Program started? "
print ""
print ""
print ""
print ""
print ""
                                                               import pygame
pygame.locals import *
                                                               if not
pygame.font:  print '?? "pygame.font" not "found" ??'
                                                               if not
pygame.mixer: print '?? "pygame.mixer" not "found" ??'
pygame import scrap
except: print
'"pygame" not "found"???'
numpy; from numpy import *
except: print
'"numpy" not "found"??? (Oh well! Who cares!)'
#                                                               import
numarray; from numarray import *
#except: print
'"numarray" not "found"??? (Oh well! Who cares!)'
#                                                               import
Numeric; from Numeric import *
#except: print
'"numeric" not "found"??? (Oh well! Who cares!)'


# Thanks for your effort! I hope the bug will be fixed!