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[pygame] Distributing a Pygame game on Linux

Hi all,

I've been wondering how to best distribute a game made with Pygame on Linux. On Windows, cx_Freeze works very well, and I assume it would be just the same on Mac OS. But on Linux, it's perfectly useless because of the various distros I'd have to build the game for. I could ship a tarball with the sources, but still, it's quite difficult for the users to deal with so many dependencies (Pygame, and hence the SDL, Numpy sometimesâ). In my case, I can't even relie on the repos and tell the players to install a few packages with Aptitude: I use Python 3 and a pre-release of Pygame 1.9.2 (so as to use Surfarray, not available for Python 3 with Pygame 1.9.1), and these versions aren't even in the repos. So, what's the best way to distribute a game for Linux?

I've thought of a few possibilites I could try:
Thanks in advance for your help!