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Re: [pygame] blit problem (bug?)
- To: pygame-users@seul.org
- Subject: Re: [pygame] blit problem (bug?)
- From: theGREENzebra <tgz@orotech.net>
- Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 22:39:40 -0500
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> I have a problem that I do not manage to solve yet after
> many hours of trying and fiddling.
> My screen is a 1024x768 bitmap.
> I created an off-screen buffer of 1024x832 and want to blit a
> part of this buffer into my screen
> if i use
> screen.blit(offscreenbuffer,(0,0)) # it works
> but
> screen.blit(offscreebuffer,(0,0),(0,64,1024,768))
> Then only the first 704 pixels (in height) are blitted to the
> screen....
> as well,
> screen.blit(offscreebuffer,(0,0),(0,64,1024,832))
> gives the same result
> It seems pygame clipped the blit to the dest_h-src_y!!!!
try [(0,64),(1024,768)]
* tgz@orotech.net * http://clickass.org * ICQ# 1107012 * AIM/Yahoo:
theGREENzebra * http://mp3.com/thegreenzebra
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