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Re: [pygame] I\'m getting BSOD while using PyGame.

> Hello, I\'m new to the list. ( Can I use HTML formatting to make it easier
> to
> read my code, or if this is text only, what\'s the best way to paste it? )

It is prefered plain text, not HTML.
If the code is long, usually is beter as an attachement, with the little parts you want to comment also into the body of mail. ( yours it not too long).
If the code is very long, and or needs media file, put a compresed archive somewhere and post the link.

> I\'ve started on a very basic game, right now all it does is blit tiles to
> the screen. I used a NumPy tutorial to create a 2D array to store tileID\'s
> for rendering. But running it, caused my computer to get a Blue Screen Of
> Death.
> The code was \"x = ones( ( 3, 4 ) )\"

Not enought context to tell wat was going . What is \'ones\' ?

> I was surprised because I was running my game in windowed mode, if I called
> blit() witih an invalid value, or accessed an array out of bounds, I
> thought
> it would at worst crash to desktop. I have also tried the game Snowballz, (
> it uses PyGame ) So my first guess was that it was NumPy that did it.
> I removed NumPy, creating my own basic 2D array class that seems to be
> working correctly stand-alone. I started to place it into my tile code, and
> I got the BSOD again. Now I know it\'s not NumPy. The wierd thing is even
> when it crashes, it seems to render the tileset at least once. Sometimes it
> had been running for a few seconds ( at 60 renders per second ), but once
> it
> was the very first render that crashed.
> What can I do to figure out what is causing the crash? I took a look at my
> computer -> event viewer and there were no errors or warnings.
> This is the code used to render the tileset. The rest of the code in the
> program I\'ve used in other tests I\'ve done, and they haven\'t crashed. The
> member .data() is an instance of my Array2D() class.
> Do you need any more information? ( I wasn\'t sure if I should attach the
> source code, or use one of those websites, or HTML formatting or what. )
> computer: win32 winXP, AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual core 4600+
> Thanks,
> --
> jake
> [ code starts here ]
> # file: Map.py : snippet: class Map(), method .render()
> def render(self):
>         \"\"\"render the map to screen\"\"\"
>         for y in range( 0, self.tiles_y ):
>             for x in range( 0, self.tiles_x):

you can spare the 0, when range has only one param it asumes begin at 0

>                 tile_id = self.data.get( x, y ) # will equal rand value
> 0..3
>                 dest_rect = pygame.Rect( x*self.tile_w, y*self.tile_h,
>                     self.tile_w, self.tile_h )
>                 src_rect = pygame.Rect( tile_id*self.tile_w,
> 0,
>                     self.tile_w, self.tile_h )
>                 # blit it
>                 self.screen.blit( self.tileset, dest_rect, src_rec )

seems ok, if self.tileset is initialized to a pygame surface anywhere
> # file: Array2D.py
> # code seems to work, but there could be a bug. Also wasn\'t sure if
> # return \'None\' is the correct thing to do on a failed .get()
> class Array2D:
>     \"\"\"Simple 2D array without math operations.\"\"\"
>     def __init__(self, cols, rows):
>         \"\"\"Initialize array size [cols][rows]\"\"\"
>         self.resize(cols, rows)
>     def resize(self, cols, rows):
>         \"\"\"resize array, works same way as constructor arguments\"\"\"
>         # populate: None\'s
>         self.__rows = rows
>         self.__cols = cols
>         self.__data = [ [None for row in range(rows)] for col in
> range(cols)
> ]

Why the names begins with \'__\'  ? Usually its only used to hide members.
To the readers convey the sense  \'We play tricks with this members, dont touch\' 

>     def get(self, x, y):
>         \"\"\"get the value at the offset
>         for now, if invalid bounds, then return None\"\"\"
>         if self.validIndex( x, y ):
>             return self.__data[x][y]
>         return None # maybe throw exception? Haven\'t learned about them
> yet.
>     def set(self, x, y, value):
>         \"\"\"set the value at the offset
>         for now, if invalid bounds, then return None\"\"\"
>         if self.validIndex( x, y ):
>             self.__data[x][y] = value
>         # todo: else throw exception / error but doesn\'t need to halt
> program.

Returns None any time

>     def validIndex( self, x, y ):
>         \"\"\"Check if the index [x][y] is valid or not\"\"\"
>         if x < 0: return False
>         if y < 0: return False
>         if x >= self.cols(): return False
>         if y >= self.rows(): return False
>         return True

Its ok, but you could use

def validIndex(self,x,y):
    return (0<=x<self.__cols) and (0<=y<self.__rows)

>     def cols(self):
>         \"\"\"return number of cols\"\"\"
>         return self.__cols
>     def rows(self):
>         \"\"\"return number of rows\"\"\"
>         return self.__rows
>     def Print(self):
>         \"\"\"output data to console for testing\"\"\"
>         print \"\\nArray2D = {\"
>         for y in range( 0, self.rows() ):
>             for x in range( 0, self.cols() ):
>                 print \"\\t\", self.get(x, y), \", \",
>             print \"\"
>         print \"}\\n\"
> -- 
> Jake

This class seems to perform as desired, but in Python style seems unnecesary:
what about

def makeMatrix(cols,rows):
    return [ [None for row in range(rows)] for col in range(cols) ]

m=makeMatrix(4,5) #create a matrix
# len(m) is cols
# len(m[0]) is rows

m[0][0] =\'0_0\'
m[0][1] =\'0_1\'
m[1][0] =\'1_0\'

print m

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