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Re: [pygame] board game

Hi there,

I've left the board game for a time, and now that I have time again, I have returned to it..

Can I do new=pygame.rect(10,20,30,40) ? I mean, I do load an entire image of my game board, that will be the surface, and then, as Samuel said, I've tried to create invisible squares over it using rect function, but, do I need to load an image -many as squares have my board- , make it invisible and take the rect from it?

Thanks again..I think some doy I'll finish it (0_o)

El 18/09/2007, a las 17:20, Samuel Mankins escribió:

Ian Mallett wrote:
    It doesn't really matter which way you do it, but I would
recommend making the entire thing all at once, as I see no advantage
to having individual squares, and it would make programming less

I would make a square of the appropriate size of one color, and load it using this function:

def load_image(name):
   fullname = os.path.join('images')
   fullname = os.path.join(fullname, name)
       image = pygame.image.load(fullname)
   except pygame.error, message:
       print 'Cannot load image:', fullname
       raise SystemExit, message
   image = image.convert()
   colorkey = image.get_at((0,0))
   image.set_colorkey(colorkey, RLEACCEL)
   return image, image.get_rect()

Then use it for all the squares, and define their coordinates by pixel. The result is a whole bunch of little, invisible squares, each one having a question attached to it, that the player can click on, and behind that a background image that doesn't change. This might be more trouble than it's worth for the sort of thing you're aiming for--I used it when building a small RPG where the background was a complete image for each area and the blocks were defined as being either "Player can't walk here", "Player can walk here", or "Player meets monsters here", so that (if I could actually draw on a computer) each area would have a pretty background.

Anyway, I hope that helps. God luck!