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Re: [pygame] Re: Fullscreen Performance

Bob Ippolito wrote:
> On Tuesday, Oct 7, 2003, at 15:24 America/New_York, Gerrit Holl wrote:
> >Strangely, psyco halves speed for my game. I do not know what
> >is really going on, but adding 'import psyco; psyco.profile()'
> >to the top of my code slows down the run of a test level with
> >30 sprites constantly colliding with each other from 14 to 7 fps.
> That's when you pick and choose what functions to use psyco with, and 
> perhaps rewrite them such that they're psyco-optimizable (what it can 
> and can't currently optimize is pretty clear in the documentation).  
> psyco.profile does a lot of work and is not always what you want.

Ah, indeed! After reading the psyco documentation, I selected 7
methods I compiled with psyco, and now, the collision checking speed
_is_ 30% faster. Thanks!


118. If he give a male or female slave away for forced labor, and the
merchant sublease them, or sell them for money, no objection can be
        -- 1780 BC, Hammurabi, Code of Law
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