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Re: [pygame] Re: Fullscreen Performance

Pete Shinners wrote:
> second, your platforms are currently all drawn with "tiled" 
> images. every time the platform is drawn, it does a lot of 
> fancy wok in tiled_blit(). at minimum, compute this data 
> once per platform (the offset and boundary used for each 
> blit in the tile).

> better, but more memory intensive would 
> be to render the platform out in its entirety to an 
> offscreen Surface.

Actually, I am already doing this. I didn't tell this immediatly
because I forgot it (I've had a 3-months-pause in Brian development).
The code to do so is in usersprites.SimpleWall.setimage():


     74     def setimage(self):
     75         image = pygame.Surface(self.outersize)
     76         image.set_colorkey((1,1,1))
     77         image.fill((1,1,1))
     78 ##        pygame.draw.rect(image, (255, 0, 0), image.get_rect(), 25)
     79 ##        pygame.draw.rect(image, (100, 0, 0), image.get_rect(), 5)
     80         util.multiblit(image, DataServer.image.wall)
     81         self._image = image

The difference between tiled_blit and multiblit: tiled_blit blits one Surface
repeatedly to a destination surface, multiblit blits an instance of
DataServer.ImageServer to a surface: the corners have different images than
the centre, so it is not simply tiled, it is more complex.

There may be another optimization in tiled_blit, because tiling can be
done faster than blitting one image a hundred times: first doubling it
in a temporary new surface than can be blitted 50 times is faster, or
2 times doubles blitting 25 times, etc. This is also an optimizationproblem.
I now have a half-solution of this, where I double it a few times, but
in the wrong place of my code...

The other optimization hints are very useful, however.


161. If a man bring chattels into his father-in-law's house and pay the
"purchase price," if then his friend slander him, and his father-in-law
say to the young husband: "You shall not marry my daughter," the he shall
give back to him undiminished all that he had brought with him; but his
wife shall not be married to the friend.
        -- 1780 BC, Hammurabi, Code of Law
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