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[pygame] Missing function


whilst testing pygame CVS on Linux I discovered that SolarWolf was
failing to start with an error about a missing function.

Seems like read_unix_fontscache() in lib/sysfont.py has gone missing.
Here is a diff against current CVS, which puts the missing function back in,

John Popplewell.

Index: lib/sysfont.py
RCS file: /home/cvspsrv/cvsroot/games/pygame/lib/sysfont.py,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -c -r1.21 sysfont.py
*** lib/sysfont.py      28 Aug 2005 06:20:30 -0000      1.21
--- lib/sysfont.py      27 Oct 2005 20:42:41 -0000
*** 126,131 ****
--- 126,149 ----
      return fonts

+ #read the fonts from a unix 'fonts.cache-1' file
+ def read_unix_fontscache(dir, file, fonts):
+     file = open(os.path.join(dir, file))
+     for line in file.readlines():
+         try:
+             font, num, vals = line.split(' ', 2)
+         except ValueError:
+             continue
+         font = font.replace('"', '')
+         if font[-4:].lower() not in [".ttf", ".ttc"]:
+             continue
+         font = os.path.join(dir, font)
+         vals = vals.split(':')
+         name = _simplename(vals[0][1:])
+         bold = vals[1].find('Bold') >= 0
+         italic = vals[1].find('Italic') >= 0
+         _addfont(name, bold, italic, font, fonts)

  #read the fonts from a unix 'fonts.cache-1' file
  def read_unix_fontsdir(dir, file, fonts):