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Re: [pygame] Compiling pygame on OSX without SDL.framework


Im working on Mac but Im not familair with those manual installations. I let once create a Trapezoid module in C that I missed in Pygame. The guy wrote a manual how to recompile it. I really dont know if it helps but I could send you this

Am 25.10.2006 um 20:39 schrieb Patrick Mullen:

I am trying to get pygame going at school, which is the only place I
can use Macs.  Unfortunately, I can't use any installers for anything
because of the machines being sandboxed, so I have been going at it
from-source.  I have sdl and other packages installed to ~/Local in a
unix fashion (~/Local/include, ~/Local/bin etc).  The pygame config.py
seems unable to locate SDL no matter what export flags I make or how I
modify the Setup, it doesn't seem to want to look in the right
directories for everything.  I even have my non-standard python files
in there, and config.py wont find Numeric either (PYTHONPATH is

I have been at this for hours, I just don't understand what's missing.
Does anyone have enough OSX experience or pygame compiling experience
to help me out?