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Re: [pygame] Shaders and Examples not Working

Hi Ian,

Ian Mallett wrote:
On 10/20/08, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
 How exactly do they fail? Do you get an exception?
Well, they certainly don't run right out of the box.

The ARB example seems more complete, but it whines about the ARB
extensions--how it can't find them for some reason.  Probably because
the proper import statements aren't there (I don't know them, and they
weren't included).  Changing them to non-ARB functions fixes this
problem, but then a host of other problems crops up involving the
arguments to certain calls (specifics if requested).  Nothing I tried
seems to appease them.

Here, try this. In the GLSLExample replace all the:

   # For OpenGL-ctypes
   from OpenGL import platform
   gl = platform.OpenGL
except ImportError:


gl = ctypes.windll.opengl32

The example expects the pure Python OpenGL 3.0. If it doesn't find it it falls back on a bunch of Unix specific searches. Windows os functions use the standard calling convention, which differs from C.

Lenard Lindstrom