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Re: [pygame] Re: Movie module being merged

Hi Tyler,

Tyler Laing wrote:
Part of the issue is that the movie isn't cleaning up properly after itself. The threads do take a miniscule amount of time to end and clean up. After each call I've added a 1 second wait, as the movie object does not and cannot act instantaneously, but quite close to instantaneously.
The unit tests are unrealistic since Pygame is not officially designed to be restarted. If sleep calls fix the problem, great. I don't know what the answer is otherwise.
I'm also noticing in the debugging that it seems that the unittest 
framework runs the methods in parallel? Is this right?
I understand it can, but never tried it. By default it should be single threaded.
On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 8:55 AM, Tyler Laing <trinioler@xxxxxxxxx 
<mailto:trinioler@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
    Nevermind, now I am.

    On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 8:54 AM, Tyler Laing <trinioler@xxxxxxxxx
    <mailto:trinioler@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

        Hmm, not seeing the same issue here Lenard, sorry. What kind
        of movie file are you using? (Sorry been busy with midterms
        and assignments. I have a free weekend now, aside from errands.)

        On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 11:25 AM, Lenard Lindstrom
        <len-l@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:len-l@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

            Hi Tyler,

            Debian lenny, Python 2.5,

            I am getting a segfault in _movie_test.py, test_resize(),
            movie.resize(movie.width/2, movie.height/2).

            The order of test method execution I get is test_height,
            test_init, test_play_pause, test_resize. I have modified
            _movie_test.py to execute as a stand-alone program so
            print statements work.

            python test/_movie_test.py


            Tyler Laing wrote:

                Okay I've commited a revision, with a new MovieInfo
                object, which allows the programmers to handle any
                kind of movie, if its loadable, and do some
                introspection before actually loading the movie, like
                screen-size etc.

                I was wondering if anyone that has had errors or
                crashes can send me their logs please?


Lenard Lindstrom