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Re: Re: [pygame] Students Interested in Pygames Community

A major roadblock to internationalization was the limit (if not non existant) Unicode support in the pygame.font module. For Pygame 1.9.2 the Font module has been updated to fully handle UCS-2 (SDL_ttf does not support UTF-16 or UTF-32, unfortunately). The upcoming pygame.freetype module has bypasses the restrictions imposed by SDL_ttf by using the freetype2 library directly. It has full UTF-32 support.
Lenard Lindstrom
On Oct 21, 2011, stabbingfinger <stabbingfinger@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 4:48 AM, René Dudfield <renesd@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Yeah, and music programming is fun too.  As well, text adventures - with natural language processing - can teach a lot about language.

Upon René's mention of text it occurs to me that pygame sports an international community, but I don't often see internationalization in our games. I'm sure I could figure it out if I took the time, but if there were an simple, extensible module (a la pygame.org/cookbook) and a tool for managing it we might see more of that. We may not see many translations, but the capabilities would be there if someone wanted to contribute a translation to an existing game.
