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Re: [pygame] Event polling, is there a standard trick to combine ...

> x = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, map(lambda x: x.rel[0],motions))
> y = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, map(lambda x: x.rel[1],motions))
> This should give you the amount of totally moved pixels in (x,y).
> Of course there's got to be some better code for that.. I just made that
> one up fast.. and I also don't believe it's worth it anyways.. as it'll
> be certainly faster to save the old mouse position and when you check it
> again just use pygame.mouse.get_pos() and calculate the difference by
> a simple subtraction.. much easier, cleaner and faster.

yes, this should work fine. although like frank mentioned, if you
just want to get the current mouse position, instead of parsing
through all the mousemotion events, just get the current position
from the pygame.mouse module.

also, if you are looking for relative positions, there is an
easier way then mentioned above. just make use of the 
pygame.mouse.get_rel() function, which will give you the 
amount of mouse motion since the previous time you called the

one slightly unrelated thing, but just so you know. if you
hide the cursor "pygame.mouse.set_visible(0)", and grab the
machines input "pygame.event.set_grab(1)", internally pygame
will use an unlimited mousing area. so you can scroll infinitely
in any direction and not worry about the mouse getting stuck on
the edges of the screen :]

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