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Re: [pygame] Event polling, is there a standard trick to combine ...

It is necessary intended behaviour in a windows system that you can drag out
of a window without the window losing focus.
How else would you drag a file from a directory listing window, for example,
to another directory listing window....?

I'm not saying its a problem per se, just that I'd like to be able to
shortcut the (mousemove,rel) events.
pygame.mouse.get_rel() didn't work
The summing which Frank suggested looks likely to work to me.


David Clark wrote:

> Peter Goode writes:
>  >  (not abs position I think,
>  > which won't work outside the application window, unlike
>  > then drag which will...)
> When I first read this, I thought "What's he talking about? SDL
> shouldn't be generating any events if the mouse is outside the
> application window." Then I tested it...
> Something weird is going on. With event.set_grab(0), relative and
> absolute MOUSEMOTION events are still generated when the mouse is
> outside the application window, _if and only if_ a mouse button was
> down when the mouse was moved off the pygame window. As soon as the
> mouse button is released, no new events are registered.
> Furthermore, the mouse x and y positions are clamped to the top,
> bottom, left and right edge _values_, but not to those edges
> themselves.  For example, if the mouse pointer is way off the window
> to the left, get_pos() might return (0, 124) - the x value is clamped,
> but the y value is still free (again, only while the mouse button is
> down).  As a result, get_rel() half-works while the mouse is above,
> below, to the left or to the right of the window, but is completely
> useless if the mouse is, say, to the upper-left of the window. Weird.
> This might have some usefulness in a gesture-based input system, but
> it's more likely that this is just unintended behavoir.  I don't know
> whether SDL or pygame is generating this weirdness, so I'll just shut
> my word hole for now.  Here's a script to demonstrate:
> import pygame
> screen = pygame.display.set_mode((400,300))
> while 1:
>     e = pygame.event.poll()
>     if e.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
>         print pygame.mouse.get_rel(), pygame.mouse.get_pos()
>     elif e.type == pygame.QUIT:
>         raise SystemExit
> --
> Futility
> --
> My high school guidance councellor once told me that I have a very short
> attention span. The following day we were given the results of our career
> placement tests. Mine said that I was going to die. My career placement
> test was inaccurate. Turns out it's the other way around.      -MG
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