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[pygame] scenegraph options

I saw an earlier note about interest in incorporating a scenegraph
into pygame (see quote below). A scene graph for games, not for 3D.

Are there any example scene graph libraries out there that are similar to what is wanted for pygame? Something like sForzando or pyOSG or some java scene graph? Or could you share your games that are written with scene graphs?

I could use this for a simulation where I need to use a graph representation anyway.

pyOSG: (has some errors when I run it)


Pete Shinners wrote:
so far the thing that i see with the most potential is a sort of 'scene graph'. for a long time i couldn't really find a way to make this work and kind of wrote it off. later i started digging into other scene graph libraries. i became very inspired by the old SGI Open Inventor scene graph (and more recently, COIN). after several 'enlightenments' on how to treat scene graph nodes, i think there is a potentially good idea here.

hard to explain it all here, open inventor is more specifically designed for 3d scenes. at first i thought we could use the exact same scenegraph, just adding a few of our own nodes. but playing with sample game scenegraphs, i think we would be better served by creating our own unique set of nodes.

i've got many iterations of sample pygame games written in a new scenegraph style pygame. this is surely the best way to go about creating some new game library. write the games first and create the library to fill them in. i like this because we really get a clear picture of what we will end up with. very easy to see the repercussions of different decisions.