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Re: [pygame] Pixel perfect collision detection...again
Rene, my hat's off for you. :o)
Best Regards
> Hey John,
> pixel perfect collision detection will be in the next release.
> Using the modified code I posted in the other email, which was based
> on yours. Except the api is different so that it can work with
> different methods later if wanted.
> If anyone wants to do it before I get a chance go ahead!
> What needs to be done:
> 1) Need to make new versions of array_colorkey, and array_alpha. The
> need to output normal python arrays, not numeric ones. There will
> probably need to be a few changes needed to that C code.
> 2) The HitMask.collide(self, rect1, other_hitmask, rect2) method needs
> to be coded in C.
> 3) An example/benchmark/unittest that tests the new collision detection.
> The new functions should probably go in... src/pixelcollision.c ?
> That's it! All the other code is already written.
> Or, for extra goodness you could use the bitmask library at:
> http://www.ifm.liu.se/~ulfek/projects/2d_Collision_Detection.html
> However that could be added later if people need to make perpixel
> collision detection faster. The api I proposed can handle those
> changes without any code changes to user code.
> Cheers.
> On 9/14/05, John Eriksson <john@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > There has been a realy intresting discussion about collision
detection. But
> > are any pygame developers interested in adding pixel perfect
> > detection?
> >
> > I can live with having to implement the pixel perfect detection each
time I
> > need it but it would be nice if it could be implemented in the core
> >
> > So...PyGame developers...what do you say?
> >
> > Best Regards
> > /John Eriksson
> >
> >