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[pygame] Re: PyGame slowdown

Kris Schnee wrote:
Here's something that might be useful: <a href=http://psyco.sourceforge.net/>Psyco</a>. It's a C-based accelerator module for Python that can apparently greatly increase speed with no further change to the code than:

import psyco

There's no obvious effect on my machine, but I suspect this is because it's a laptop with one-generation-old graphics hardware.

I can't remember which game it is (either halflife2, battlefield2 or some other well known FPS), but I read somewhere that the developers had hard-coded in a maximum FPS of 75. People were complaining that they couldn't achieve higher counts, even though they'd bought the very latest cards (some in SLI) and this is when it came out.

Like I said, I'm certainly no expert on the matter, and what you've said about the fluidity on higher frame counts certainly makes sense.