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Re: [pygame] Dead display surfaces

Hi, I sometimes flip the whole display when I'm changing the background (responding to a menu event).

I should point out that the game seems to run fine (but v. fast) when clock.tick is commented out, but it crashes when clock.tick is in operation...

On 26/09/06, Luke Paireepinart <rabidpoobear@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Luke Miller wrote:
> Well, I've done a lot more testing, including replacing my classes
> with stubs to see what is causing my Dead Display.
> For some reason, commenting out the following line inside my main loop
> seems to solve my problem:
> clock.tick(FRAME_RATE)
> (where clock is a pygame.time.Clock() object and FRAME_RATE = 16)
> My program is a complicated game, with a lot of blits, updates and a
> few flips,
updates and flips are considered new frames, aren't they?

> often between frames. Is it possible that if the screen receives lots
> of blits between clock ticks that pygame might kill the display?
> On 25/09/06, *Pete Shinners* < pete@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:pete@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>     On Sun, 2006-09-24 at 15:17 +1000, Luke Miller wrote:
>     > What is a "Dead Display" surface in pygame, and what might cause it?
>     I think the only thing that should cause it is calling
>     pygame.display.quit () or pygame.quit() and then accessing the Surface
>     for the screen. Presumably some error condition could cause this,
>     but I
>     can't think of anything that should.
>     >>> import pygame
>     >>> pygame.display.init ()
>     >>> screen = pygame.display.set_mode ((100, 100))
>     >>> pygame.event.pump()
>     >>> print screen
>     <Surface(100x100x32 SW)>
>     >>> pygame.display.quit()
>     >>> print screen
>     <Surface(Dead Display)>