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[school-discuss] Easy-to-use gradebook software
After looking at a large number of gradebook and school information system
packages, I've yet to find one that's easy to use.
Many teachers would like to use the computerised gradebook programs as
easily as they would their dead-tree gradebooks. The user interfaces of
many of the programs I've encountered make this a difficult task.
Does anyone here have any recommendations of existing software that they've
used and liked? Does anyone else have similar feelings to the teachers that
I work with? (Am I the only one?)
Kevin Godby <godbyk@aea15.k12.ia.us>
Technology Coordinator
Moulton-Udell Community School District
305 E. Eighth St. Phone: (641) 642-8131
Moulton, Iowa 52572 Fax: (641) 642-3461