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Re: [school-discuss] Easy-to-use gradebook software
we wrote to this list because its where teachers are available to give us
input :-)? (means : a happy question ...)
mysql/php/apache would be low heartburn for us, that's our normal venue.
so that's our platform ... any problems ?
we're starting a list for batch transfers via cron and basmiti et al is on it.
so we are saying external interfaces can be characterized as scheduled batch
jobs meant to run off shift and unattended.
if we write the application so that config files consist of questions /
directives and generate the inputs for a make (like configuring a mainframe
for instance) then we will get large variation for smaller coding investment.
but that's just an implementation detail.
oreconfig ----[gen] -----> source libs --------> build ----------> make :
install is complete.
we pick this form factor because it is most tolerant of well, frankly,
mistakes. it also yields a lot of working result per hour of development.
ideas don't get work accomplished. that's why God made prototypes :-)
we'll try to squeeze in as much of everything that shows up on the list
between now and may 1st - then may 1st - June 1st code / test and finally
download working alpha at YOUR digs starting June 15th.
cvs can serve for versioning but how to recruit / select the order and
precedence of changes - this list/group can make that determination.
we won't be much help to you in that, sorry. but if you line them up, we'll
shoot them down.
i like to "emit" a new release that replaces existing release (usually) every
10-16 weeks.
all ears on this end.
mike eschman, etc...
"Not just an afterthought ...
On Tuesday 02 April 2002 09:30 pm, you wrote:
> Mike--
> I appreciate the offer. However, if you're seriously looking into
> writing gradebook or school/student information management software,
> you'll need more than one person's input.
> Each school works differently -- they will each have different grading
> periods (different number of class periods per day; semesters vs.
> trimesters vs. quarters), different grading standards (grading scales),
> etc. For example, our high school and elementary school each use
> different gradebook programs because one doesn't do what the other needs
> it to do. (The high school is using JMC [http://www.jmcinc.com/] and
> the elementary is using something else [I can't remember the name
> offhand].)
> And if that's not enough for ya, each state uses different reporting
> standards. Cf. Iowa's EASIER (there's a misnomer!) with Minnesota's
> MARSS with South Dakota's SDSIMS.
> To make your software stand out above the rest, I'd suggest focusing on
> interoperability (using a common db backend or simple file format that
> other programs can easily access) and user interface (to make it easy
> for teachers, parents, and administrators to use).
> On Tue, 2002-04-02 at 19:22, mikee wrote:
> > hello,
> >
> > if any person(s) on this list would publish a gradebook spec, we
> > would write to it for linux, and make it available for free download
> > to this mailing list.
> ----
> Kevin Godby <godbyk@aea15.k12.ia.us>
> Technology Coordinator
> Moulton-Udell Community School District
> 305 E. Eighth St. Phone: (641) 642-8131
> Moulton, Iowa 52572 Fax: (641) 642-3461