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Re: [school-discuss] Easy-to-use gradebook softwarehello,

please, what is SASI ?

mike eschman, etc...
"Not just an afterthought...

On Wednesday 03 April 2002 07:03 am, you wrote:
> On 2 Apr 2002 at 16:39, Kevin Godby wrote:
> > Hello.
> >
> > After looking at a large number of gradebook and school
> information system
> > packages, I've yet to find one that's easy to use.
> >
> > Many teachers would like to use the computerised gradebook
> programs as
> > easily as they would their dead-tree gradebooks.  The user
> interfaces of
> > many of the programs I've encountered make this a difficult task.
> >
> > Does anyone here have any recommendations of existing software
> that they've
> > used and liked?  Does anyone else have similar feelings to the
> teachers that
> > I work with?  (Am I the only one?)
> Have you looked at PowerSchool? Several of us tech coordinators from
> around the state (Kansas) were talking about student info systems.
> Most of us were complaining about ours. Somebody made the comment
> "Everybody complains about what they've got." And three people
> immediately said "not me, we love ours." All three were running
> PowerSchool.
> It's not free/open (far from it), but it is web-based, so even your
> linux clients can access it (except the gradebook itself which is
> Win/Mac, but they've said they'll have a web version out this
> calendar year). PowerSchool was bought by Apple a year or two ago,
> but the server runs on either NT or a Mac. The Mac server has a very
> nice component to it, though:  the "home access" part (so parents
> can
> check on assignments/grades/attendance, etc. from home) can use a
> text-to-speech converter, so those without computers can call and
> get
> the same info.
> Sorry if I sound like an evangelist here - I have no affiliation
> with
> PowerSchool, but I'm sick and tired of SASI.