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RE: Re: [school-discuss] Easy-to-use gradebook software
Well, I learned something from this message...
like, I have a lot more to learn!
BTW, My ideal gradebook, of course, would also contain the pertinent specs on each student; ie- name, homeroom, grade level, phone # and parent/guardian name, Probation Officer contact info...you know, that basics.
Tony Baldwin
> mikee <meschman@engima.com> schoolforge-discuss@schoolforge.net Re: [school-discuss] Easy-to-use gradebook softwareDate: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 22:44:48 -0600
>Reply-To: schoolforge-discuss@schoolforge.net
>we wrote to this list because its where teachers are available to give us
>input :-)? (means : a happy question ...)
>mysql/php/apache would be low heartburn for us, that's our normal venue.
>so that's our platform ... any problems ?
>we're starting a list for batch transfers via cron and basmiti et al is on it.
>so we are saying external interfaces can be characterized as scheduled batch
>jobs meant to run off shift and unattended.
>if we write the application so that config files consist of questions /
>directives and generate the inputs for a make (like configuring a mainframe
>for instance) then we will get large variation for smaller coding investment.
>but that's just an implementation detail.
>oreconfig ----[gen] -----> source libs --------> build ----------> make :
>install is complete.
>we pick this form factor because it is most tolerant of well, frankly,
>mistakes. it also yields a lot of working result per hour of development.
>ideas don't get work accomplished. that's why God made prototypes :-)
>we'll try to squeeze in as much of everything that shows up on the list
>between now and may 1st - then may 1st - June 1st code / test and finally
>download working alpha at YOUR digs starting June 15th.
>cvs can serve for versioning but how to recruit / select the order and
>precedence of changes - this list/group can make that determination.
>we won't be much help to you in that, sorry. but if you line them up, we'll
>shoot them down.
>i like to "emit" a new release that replaces existing release (usually) every
>10-16 weeks.
>all ears on this end.
>mike eschman, etc...
>"Not just an afterthought ...
>On Tuesday 02 April 2002 09:30 pm, you wrote:
>> Mike--
>> I appreciate the offer. However, if you're seriously looking into
>> writing gradebook or school/student information management software,
>> you'll need more than one person's input.
>> Each school works differently -- they will each have different grading
>> periods (different number of class periods per day; semesters vs.
>> trimesters vs. quarters), different grading standards (grading scales),
>> etc. For example, our high school and elementary school each use
>> different gradebook programs because one doesn't do what the other needs
>> it to do. (The high school is using JMC [http://www.jmcinc.com/] and
>> the elementary is using something else [I can't remember the name
>> offhand].)
>> And if that's not enough for ya, each state uses different reporting
>> standards. Cf. Iowa's EASIER (there's a misnomer!) with Minnesota's
>> MARSS with South Dakota's SDSIMS.
>> To make your software stand out above the rest, I'd suggest focusing on
>> interoperability (using a common db backend or simple file format that
>> other programs can easily access) and user interface (to make it easy
>> for teachers, parents, and administrators to use).
>> On Tue, 2002-04-02 at 19:22, mikee wrote:
>> > hello,
>> >
>> > if any person(s) on this list would publish a gradebook spec, we
>> > would write to it for linux, and make it available for free download
>> > to this mailing list.
>> ----
>> Kevin Godby <godbyk@aea15.k12.ia.us>
>> Technology Coordinator
>> Moulton-Udell Community School District
>> 305 E. Eighth St. Phone: (641) 642-8131
>> Moulton, Iowa 52572 Fax: (641) 642-3461
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