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RE: Re: [school-discuss] Easy-to-use gradebook software
I owuld llike to say that I ahve not interestin an on-line database for a gradebook. My school ahs us posting our lesson plans to taskstream.com and I don't even like that, even though some of thier tools are very useful. I simply want a local gradebook to keep my classes organized. The Teachers Toolbox is awesome(I have 3.0 but I found 4.0 at tucows, haven't taken the time to download, crawling at 56k), but is only available for windows...
>Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2002 00:05:39 -0800
> schoolforge-discuss@schoolforge.net Chris Francy <francyci@yahoo.com> Re: [school-discuss] Easy-to-use gradebook softwareReply-To: schoolforge-discuss@schoolforge.net
>For the killer gradebook application I would suggest a couple things.
>Keep the students gradeview app separate from the gradebook
>application. My desire is that there is absolutely no way that a student
>can login to the gradeview application and through some bug in the code be
>able to edit the information in the grade book. Also if student view pages
>are kept separate from the gradebook app a school can use the opensource
>gradebook app and a commercial gradebook at the same time and still be able
>to have a unified method for student (and parents) to track their progress.
>Create a good database structure and use lots of OOP and abstraction. If
>PHP is choosen platform it would be possible and very cool to both have a
>web-based version of the application and also a version that will run as
>locally using the PHP-GTK extensions.
>Build in easy and robust reporting. Currently where I work we are doing a
>lot of work trying to get teachers and schools to make DATA-DRIVEN
>decisions. The gradebook application would store lots of data. We should
>make it easy for teachers/administrators to use it.
>If possible make it easy to import/export existing data and accounts
>from/to other applications.
>I have been thinking about building a gradebook application for quite a
>while. The tables for a gradebook application for a fully functional
>gradebook is fairly complex if you want to be competitive with the some of
>the popular commercial apps.
>At 09:07 PM 4/2/2002, you wrote:
>>mysql/php/apache would be low heartburn for us, that's our normal venue.
>>so that's our platform ... any problems ?
>>Sounds good. My only concern is the programing "style" for PHP.
>>What I would like very much is if most parts of the program are all broken
>>down into small functions called from a single main file. I think this
>>makes it easier for integrating with other Programs, like my own
>>MyPHPSchool, so that if I wanted to use it, I could just include/require the
>>file and call any of the needed functions instead of having to go line by
>>line changing everything to fit it in my existing system.
>>Also, one thing that would be *nice*, but not too important would be to
>>build in a database abstraction layer from the start so that it could use
>>PgSQL, or MySQL, or other SQL databases.
>>-Paul Querna
> > 1) Student - student information including:
> > a) Lastname
> > b) Firstname
> > c) Student Number (local or state/provincial)
> > plus any other useful demographic stuff.
>Maybe a password colloum?(md5 of cource!)
>So that students could view their grades?
>On this matter, it would be nice if users are authenticated via a single
>function, and then granted/dennyed access based on what vhat that function
>returns.(ie so it would be easy to rip and replace the authentication system
>to use another Table/database from an existing system)
> > *****************
> > Operations Required: (by a teacher)
> > a) Enter/Edit/Delete Students
> > b) Enroll/Drop students in Subject/Section.
> > c) Add Tests to the Subject/Section.
> > d) Enter/Edit/Delete Student Results.
> > e) Print/View results by Student, Test.
> > f) Adjust Test Weightings including grouping by category.(overall balance
> > of course)
>Regarding E, I know with PHP it is possible to output to PDF files, which
>would be good for making printable reports.
>-Paul Querna
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