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Re: [school-discuss] Gradebook Specification
Hi Doug,
>One of the most important things, I think, is to "internationalize" this from
>the start. Don't assume US/Canadian norms, but make it flexible enough to
>work for UK, Greek, South African, Singaporean, etc. schools. I'll give a
>few examples of such stuff in my comments below (I'm no expert in this, so
>take my recommendations as concepts, not good solutions).
Good idea, but we'll need specifics.
>Les Richardson wrote:
>> Reflecting upon a basic gradebook spec, I've come up with several tables
>> in a database:
>> 1) Student - student information including:
>> a) Lastname
>> b) Firstname
>> c) Student Number (local or state/provincial)
d) Password (MD5 encoded)
What else will be needed to describe a student? This could be all since
another table could carry student demographics, linked via student number.
>"Lastname" and "Firstname" should be "Familyname" and "Givenname" or
>something similar to cover different name ordering among cultures.
>Demographic fields should also be flexible (not requiring a state/province or
>a postal code, for example, as some countries have neither).
This shouldn't affect the database structure, only the descriptive fields.
>> 2) Tests - a particular assessment device given to students in
>> a particular class/section taught by a particular teacher.
>> a) TestID - unique number
>> b) Subject ID/Description - a particular subject. May match value in
>> another "subject" table or not.
>> c) SectionID - a particular "section" or "group taught by a particular
>> teacher.
>> d) Description of test/assessment device.
>> e) Date of test
>> f) Maximum Raw Score.
>> g) Weighting (for total assessment results.)
>> h) Category A - useful for grouping assessment types.
>> i) Category B
>> j) Category C, etc.
Each category should carry a descriptor (ie. Participation) and a weighting
(ie. 10%)
>> 3) Results - students' results from tests.
>> a) Student Number
>> b) Test Number
>> c) Raw Score
>> d) Text Descriptor of result.
e) Category - to allow for calculations within weighted group.
(ie. This category is worth 30% of final mark. There are 3 items entered so
Item 1: 30 marks total - raw score 18
Item 2: 25 marks total - raw score 21
Item 3: 15 marks total - raw score 14
Total Possible: 70, actual 53
This category will then be worth 53/70 x 30 = Marks toward overall mark.
Notice that _within_ a category, the weighting depends on the total number
of marks for that item.
It that correct/appropriate?
>We should hear from different systems how student test results are tracked.
>In the US, there are (AFAIK) three standard ways: percentage correct, letter
>grades from A (best) through F (worst), and Grade Point Averages (from 0.0 to
>4.0, 4.0 being perfect). I'm sure there are other methods in use in the
The datafields for the student test results should be character based, not
Code can then do any required conversions, calcs. Enumerated types (ie.
A-F) could have a numeric equivalent to allow calculations. The gradebook
system normally deals with numbers although input and output could be in
terms of "fuzzy" results. (ie. sort of like a multi-integer roundoff
Les Richardson