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[school-discuss] Open Source Project
Dear list members:
I am the Academic Technology Specialist at a small university, and am
considering implementing an open source test project involving about ten
faculty members. My goal for the project will be to evaluate the potential
for open source software in a higher-ed environment. Ideally, I would like
each faculty member to switch from their Win98/2000 desktops to Linux, and
from MSOffice to OpenOffice or Star Office. Also, I would like to see them
using open source HTML editing software, as well as an open source web
browser. In short, all software used by these faculty will be open source
(free) software, and the PCs must have the functionality with the open
source software as with the standard Windows load. Further, I will need to
set these systems up with minimal time investment from our IT department.
If implemented, my project would track the training time required for
faculty to become familiar with all of the open source software, roadblocks
to success, how (if) these were overcome, as well as the impacts the open
source software has had on enhancing/impeding collaboration with the rest of
the faculty community using Windows/Mac and MSOffice. Also, I will need to
complete this project with a zero dollar investment in software or hardware.
The faculty in the project will be surveyed periodically throughout the
project to gather quantitative and qualitative data regarding their
perceptions of using the open source software, and it is my hope that this
project will provide meaningful data that I will be able to share with not
only our university community, but also with other educational institutions
that may be interested in moving to an open source environment.
However, before I present my project plan, I was hoping you may be able to
provide some insight into a project like this, especially since I am not
familiar with Linux, or any of the other applications, and will be
responsible for training and supporting the open source group.
Based on the scope of my project, does this sound feasible? Again, the only
systems that will be running Linux/open source apps will be the faculty
desktop PCs, and they will still need access to the network resources, and
only limited assistance from the IT department will be available.
What type of learning curve would you anticipate for faculty familiar with
Windows and MSOffice to move to Linux/open source software?
If you were to implement this project with 10 individuals, would you train
the entire group, and roll the project out with all of the members migrating
to the open source software at the same time, or would you proceed with
training one faculty member at a time, getting them up and running and
comfortable with the new OS and apps, making sure all network functionality
is available, and then proceed with the next member of the test group, and
so on?
What about the potential for virii, are these of much of a concern for Linux
and open source users?
Is there an open source mail application similar to MS Exchange that can
“talk” to an Exchange server?
Is there a significant difference between Red Hat and Mandrake? I tried to
download Linux from Red Hat, and even with a cable modem, this was taking
way to long. Are there mirror sites that will allow for faster downloading?
If I purchase a copy of Red Hat or Mandrake, can I install this copy of
Linux on any number of systems, or will I need to purchase/download a copy
for each PC?
Finally, if you are aware of project similar to this that has already been
completed, and would be willing to share the results, that would be
extremely helpful, and may help prevent me from reinventing the wheel.
Any help, suggestions, input, and insight you may be willing to share would
be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance,
Monte Schaff
Academic Technology Specialist