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[school-discuss] how to "fire up" an icecast broadcast (.mp3)
i've been "burning in" a new broadcast box since 6 am.
it has been broadcasting 2 programs concurrently on a $700 1 gig athalon
that whole time without a problem. (on a lan with 300-400 nodes).
will go live this weekend.
icecast is free and hasn't caused a problem in over a dozen events for us,
all 3-4 hours.
i'll post the link this w.e. so you can listen if you like :-)
(please ...)
mike eschman, etc...
"Not just an afterthought ...
run icecast ... if it is not in your path
in another console
edit /home/...[whatever]/live-broadcast/liveice/playlist
cd /home/...[whatever]/live-broadcast/liveice/