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Re: [school-discuss] EduML/EML/ and others
Hi Matt,
> When I mentioned gradebook it was mostly an example. But here is what I am
> looking at XML to do, XML will not be the database so to say, You will
> still run MySQL,Postgres, or some form of database with these
> applications. Where we need the XML schema is to share the data between
> applications, schools, offices, and other locations. Here is why,
Agreed. As long as contributors are on the same page...For example, what
about demographics records, what fields are needed there? I'm sure we
could come up with a list of tags that would cover our needs. But would
the tag text be in English?
As long as most folks have the same view, we should be able to quite
easily come up with elements for demographics records, and evaluation
records. (Which are my main interest)
> Les you build a gradebook, I build a lesson plan application. Your grade
> book can not export to XML only share the database, I look at your
> gradebook code and decide okay well I would like to have a reference to
> student grades on each lesson plan (to see if it was sucessful, see if the
> lesson plan got the point across or what ever the reason may be) I write
> the code to hook into your database. You are on release 1.0 I am on
> release 1.0. You are working on some new features and bam you change the
> db schema, now it can break my code because I am sharing the Database not
> just the data (is this collaboration, is this working together)
When this is done, there should be some protocol for DB change if there
are these kinds of dependencies. These could be hidden by an API, but that
introduces other problems (and more work...)
Maybe I am
> also suggesting a API (in several languages) that will create hooks in
> applications to allow other app's to hook in to each other to allow
> exporting of data, I dont exactly know right now.
Maybe just an import/export function or API.
> Also there comes this, a simple grade book application is written, It is
> a web application. Now many schools might not be able to use this because
> of resources, You cant expect one teacher to install mysql, apache, php
> and everything on the pc they use, so they might not be able to use the
> application. This is a case where a client side application should
> be/could be built and you dont need a database, If its a client
> application then XML will do just fine for local file storage. Not only
> that lets say you have a web application and I come along and build a
> client application that writes XML files that can then be exported into
> the web application. This takes away the need for an internet connection
> other then a small dial up connection to export the data to the web/main
> server. There are many uses for XML and an XML standard in education. The
> problem is do people want to realize this.
> I am also pretty sure that an abstract or draft is written on most
> standards before a lot of code is written.
Also agreed. I like to post the DB structure for commentary. It helps
prevent head slapping moments later...<grin>
> These are just my feeling's and no one has to agree with them
Very cogent and well argued. I agree.<grin>
Les Richardson
H. Hardcastle School
Edam, SK, Canada