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Re: [school-discuss] DRIVE!
On 13 Apr 2002 at 15:20, Anthony Baldwin wrote:
> Now, I still need a Linux driver for my modem (hsp56 micromodem)
Run! Run like the wind!
Even though there may be drivers for this modem for linux, I would
avoid this modem like the plague. Even in an otherwise stable
environment (obFlame: well, as stable as Windows gets), this modem
flaky, even in the best of cases. Do a google search for HSP56 and
find out how many problems there are, if you don't want to take my
personal experiences as "data".
Go purchase thyself a "real" (non-Windows) modem. Yes, they really
cost $40-$50, and yes, they're worth it.
Kyle Hutson / Director of Technology / Rock Creek Schools: USD323
smyle@rockcreek.k12.ks.us 785-494-8591
Actually I am a laboratory mouse posing as an engineer as part of an
elaborate plot to take over the world