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Re: [school-discuss] books [correction]
On Monday 15 April 2002 11:06 pm, you wrote:
> hello,
> we parsed these books as well as we could while still working quickly.
> most of them are indexed down to chapter, book, act, scene.
> we used to have one page samples, now the entire book is available.
audlib (to the left) or select books from audio bookshelf (top/home page)
> enjoy.
> mike eschman, etc...
> * A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court
> * Aesops Fables
> * Aladdin
> * Alice in Wonderland
> * Andersens Fairy Tales
> * Andersonville
> * Anna Karenina
> * Anne of Green Gables
> * A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
> * Aristotles Poetics
> * At the Earths Core
> * Babbit
> * Baron Munchausen
> * Beatrix Potter Collection
> * Beatrix Potter Treasury
> * Beautiful Stories From Shakespeare
> * Ben Hur
> * Beowulf
> * Cabbages and Kings
> * Canterbury Tales
> * CIA Factbook 2000
> * Cinderella
> * Complete Works of Shakespeare
> * Confucian Analects
> * Constitution of Japan
> * Crime and Punishment
> * Cyrano de Bergerac
> * Daisy Miller
> * David Copperfield
> * Dictionary
> * Discovery of the Niles Source
> * Doctor Dolittle
> * Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde
> * Don Quixote
> * Dracula
> * Dubliners
> * Dummys Guide to the Internet
> * Edgar Allen Poe Collection
> * Famous Pirate Stories
> * Far From the Madding Crowd
> * Fighter Planes in 1900
> * First Chinese Ambassador to United States
> * Flatland
> * Flight on a Blimp
> * Frankenstein
> * Ghost Stories
> * Great Expectations
> * Grimms Fairy Tales
> * Gullivers Travels
> * Heart of Darkness
> * Heidi
> * History of Project Trinity
> * History of the Internet
> * Hitchhikers Guide to the Internet
> * I Have a Dream
> * In Search of the Castaways
> * Jack Londons South Sea Tales
> * Jane Eyre
> * Japanese Fairy Tales
> * Journey to the Center of the Earth
> * Just So Stories
> * Kidnapped
> * Learn to Send e-mail
> * Legends of the Sioux
> * Life of Helen Keller
> * Lord Jim
> * Middlemarch
> * Moby Dick
> * My Escape from Slavery
> * Mysterious Island
> * Nostromo
> * Notes from Underground
> * Oliver Twist
> * Paradise Lost
> * Paradise Regained
> * Penrod
> * Peter Pan
> * Pinocchio
> * Platos Republic
> * Pride and Prejudice
> * Riders of the Purple Sage
> * Robin Hood
> * Robinson Crusoe
> * South Sea Tales
> * Spirits in Bondage
> * Stories of Sherlock Holmes
> * Tale of Two Cities
> * Tarzan
> * The Aeneid
> * The Art of Writing
> * The Black Experience in America
> * The Common Law
> * The Deer Slayer
> * The Divine Comedy
> * The First Atomic Bomings
> * The First Man
> * The Four Million
> * The Haunted House
> * The Hound of the Baskervilles
> * The House of Seven Gables
> * The Human Comedy
> * The Hunchback of Notre Dame
> * The Hunting of the Snark
> * The Iliad
> * The Island of Doctor Moreau
> * The Jungle Book
> * The Land That Time Forgot
> * The Lost World
> * The Mayor of Casterbridge
> * The Odyssey
> * The Oedipus Trilogy
> * The Old Curiousity Shop
> * The Red Badge of Courage
> * The Red Shoes
> * The Return of the Native
> * The Rise of the West in the United States
> * Thesaurus
> * The Souls of Black Folk
> * The Time Machine
> * The Warlord of Mars
> * The War of the Worlds
> * The Wasteland
> * The Wind in the Hollows
> * The Woodlanders
> * Three Ghost Stories
> * Through the Looking Glass
> * Treasure Island
> * Treaty of the European Union
> * Trip to South Pole Volume Two
> * Trip to the South Pole Volume One
> * Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
> * Walden
> * War of the Worlds
> * Wessex Tales
> * Wizard of Oz
> * Wuthering Heights