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Re: [school-discuss] Microsoft license enforcement
El Mar 16 Abr 2002 18:25, escribió:
> I don't think M$ will target schools, at least yet. I *know* inside my
> school that there are many possible violations of licenses, but the
> possible Political and Public Opinion outcry if M$ regularly attacked
> public schools, is enough to keep them from doing so at this time.
Well, personally, I'd prefer the "evil" to show to us in its truest form,
that is, Microsoft should enforce *every* license. This double moral of
allowing illegal copies and then enforcing legal copies after a while has
rendered great benefits to Microsoft. I think, we should enforce legal
software, this would not benefit Microsoft, but it'd state clear that Linux/
free soft is the *only* possibility for thousands of customers and
organizations. Any person owning illegal Microsoft is a slave that may be
caught and imprisonned by "Massa" Microsoft, Microsoft knows this and it
likes it, they likes hunting the scaping "slave" with the BSA hounds. Let's
reveal the true nature of the slavers.
Free soft is not a philosophical term is the same "free" of always, free of
masters, egalite, liberte et fraternite.
We should publish any illegal installation/situation and *force* Microsoft to
start suing people, let's the evil show its real face.