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Re: [school-discuss] Status of Engima gradebook project
mikee wrote:
> (a) have any teachers actually looked at storm and tried to establish
> a mental fit with using it day to day ?
> (would you like to discuss how you can do that ?)
> if so (i.e. if (a) ), did it fair well or poorly ?
> what made it rate poorly ?
> these answers just need to be bullet points.
As a suggestion, how about contacting David M. Harrison, Department of Physics,
University of Toronto, harrison@physics.utoronto.ca? He's listed as the principal
maintainer of Storm, and ought to have some contacts with the Storm user
community. I think it's likely that he'll be interested in this project and might
be able to help answer these kind of questions.
Doug Loss All I want is a warm bed
Data Network Coordinator and a kind word and
Bloomsburg University unlimited power.
dloss@bloomu.edu Ashleigh Brilliant