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Re: [school-discuss] Name change and Name Ideas needed
On 18 Apr 2002 at 22:02, William Abernathy wrote:
> Perhaps you should talk directly to the people in Japan before
leaping to any
> conclusions. Domain name traders are scum. If they told me my
pants were on
> fire, I'd wait for a second opinion. For all you know, they
fabricated the
> Japanese angle from whole cloth. And the Japanese, if they do
exist, may be
> willing to share, or take a .biz domain.
I agree fully. It just sounds too fishy. You (Matt) said you offered
them a fair price for it. Just tell them the offer stands "in case
something falls through" with the Tokyo company. If they did make it
up, I bet they'll take your fair offer before they keep paying to
renew it. If they're not making it up and you can't afford to
compete with their money, you're back to changing your name anyway.
What's to lose?
Kyle Hutson / Director of Technology / Rock Creek Schools: USD323
smyle@rockcreek.k12.ks.us 785-494-8591
Actually I am a laboratory mouse posing as an engineer as part of an
elaborate plot to take over the world