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Re: [school-discuss] Name change and Name Ideas needed
Yeah I am going to ride this out and see what happens before the name change.
If I do change names I can make a big enough deal about it at the other
companies expense. We will see what happens I will keep everyone posted on this
I guess
Quoting Kyle Hutson <smyle@rockcreek.k12.ks.us>:
> On 18 Apr 2002 at 22:02, William Abernathy wrote:
> > Perhaps you should talk directly to the people in Japan before
> leaping to any
> > conclusions. Domain name traders are scum. If they told me my
> pants were on
> > fire, I'd wait for a second opinion. For all you know, they
> fabricated the
> > Japanese angle from whole cloth. And the Japanese, if they do
> exist, may be
> > willing to share, or take a .biz domain.
> I agree fully. It just sounds too fishy. You (Matt) said you offered
> them a fair price for it. Just tell them the offer stands "in case
> something falls through" with the Tokyo company. If they did make it
> up, I bet they'll take your fair offer before they keep paying to
> renew it. If they're not making it up and you can't afford to
> compete with their money, you're back to changing your name anyway.
> What's to lose?
> --
> Kyle Hutson / Director of Technology / Rock Creek Schools: USD323
> smyle@rockcreek.k12.ks.us 785-494-8591
> Actually I am a laboratory mouse posing as an engineer as part of an
> elaborate plot to take over the world
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