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Re: [school-discuss] The Windows/Linux equivalency table
An anecdote about Windows and IE: I just finished managing a computer
lab for English teachers at a major international conference
(TESOL). We had 9 Windows machines and 9 iMacs. On both platforms,
Internet Explorer consistently had problems (crashing when popup
windows were used). Imagine people's disbelief when I told them to
use Netscape 6.2 instead, and it actually worked better!
N/S 6.2 is a very fine piece of software. IE 6 is junk.
On Saturday 20 April 2002 01:50, you wrote:
> Of course, Netscape could be put on the list, but I think that
> and Galeon are much better, and they have virtually no learning curve
> for IE users. Besides, last time I checked, Netscape looked and felt
> exactly like Mozilla! However, I'll take another look and see if
> Netscape is worth adding to the list.
> It may be worth noting that when I built a computer for my school
out of
> donated parts, the first time anyone had problems was when a student
> tried to run Netscape (version 4.7, I think), despite the presence
of an
> instruction sheet that said to use Konqueror for web browsing. After
> that, I put a note on the computer that read, "DON'T USE NETSCAPE!!!"
Doug Loss As long as I have you there is just
drloss@suscom.net one other thing I'll always need--
(570) 326-3987 tremendous self control.
Ashleigh Brilliant