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Re: [school-discuss] Peruvian project?

El Lun 22 Abr 2002 17:41, escribi�:
> I heard that there's "a law project for implementing ONLY free
> software in all goverment entities."  This website was then
> referenced.  Could some of our native Spanish speakers take a look
> and see if this fits with Schoolforge's objectives?  Thanks.
> http://www.gnu.org.pe/main.html

Seems a quite reasonable exposition of matter of principles, and it states 
clearly :
 ART�CULO 2�.- Los Poderes Ejecutivo, Legislativo y Judicial, los Organismos 
Descentralizados y las Empresas donde el Estado posea mayor�a accionar�a, 
emplear�n en sus sistemas y equipamientos de inform�tica exclusivamente 
programas o software libres.

That is:
Article 2- The government, the senate and the judge power, independent 
government institutes and corporations which stock is owned by the state in a 
51 %, will use ONLY (exclusively) free software and equipment in their 

(that includes state schools ) 

Regretfully, article 4  opens the door for commercial software.

 ART�CULO 4�.- En caos de no existir una soluci�n que utilice software libre 
y permita satisfacer una necesidad determinada, los organismos estatales 
mencionados en el art�culo 2� podr�n adoptar las siguientes alternativas 

Article 4. whenever it doesn't exist a software solution for a problem, and 
a need can't be met, government institutes of article 2 can take the 
following alternatives:

So, a pro-microsoft government can apply article 4. 
Will it be pro-microsoft government in the future, as there's pro-WMF today ?

Anyway, it's a very promising law. Not because it'll be applied in Peru, but 
because it can be taken as example in other countries.
