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[school-discuss] Linux support for Britannica
I represent Schoolforge, a coalition of over 70 organizations from
around the world dedicated to fostering the use of Linux and other open
resources in educational settings. I'm not sure that either tech
support or customer service is the right place for me to send this
message; if there's someone better positioned to address the points I'll
raise here, please forward this to that person. Thank you.
Many of the schools we deal with are interested in installing Linux in
their schools, for many varying reasons. One of the concerns we
regularly hear about is the ability to use the educational software
they're familiar with. Some schools have gone so far as to say, "If
Britannica won't run, we can't use Linux." We plan to test the ability
to run your Windows software on Linux via WINE (a compatibility
program), but we think having a native Linux version would be much more
desireable. Since you've already ported the encyclopaedia to the Mac
OS, this would seem like a fairly straightforward thing to do. We would
be interested in assisting in developing such a Linux port in any way
you'd like, even up to doing the port for you ourselves. We haven't
allocated any resources toward that yet, of course, but if you're
interested in this please contact us and let's see what we can do for
each other!
Doug Loss All I want is a warm bed
Data Network Coordinator and a kind word and
Bloomsburg University unlimited power.
dloss@bloomu.edu Ashleigh Brilliant