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Re: [school-discuss] How to present Linux to schools
On Fri, 26 Apr 2002, Kyle Hutson wrote:
> Hint: don't criticize what you don't know. I have pretty thick skin,
> but I know a lot of people who would be completely turned off to
> linux if I had that kind of attitude.
> http://www.renlearn.com/ar/
I have gone through their website, and requested all of the free "kits"
they have so that I can evaluate them under linux and wine.
> A true gem of software - not only in concept, but in implementation
> as well. There's nothing really mysterious about it (in fact, the
> interface and database could probably be coded in a couple of days),
> but their database of grade-level appropriate books, and
> comprehension testing is amazing.
I have worked with StarReading before... It is rather good, but I think
what needs to be done for an Open Source solution - per the book database
is a backend tie to the schools library information system.
> No, because they're worried about their kids getting jobs. They'll
> only start asking these questions when employers start asking them.
It is strange that people who would not even consider vocational math
education are extreemly concerned about vocational education when it comes
to technology.
> --
> Kyle Hutson / Director of Technology / Rock Creek Schools: USD323
> smyle@rockcreekschools.org 785-494-8591
> Actually I am a laboratory mouse posing as an engineer as part of an
> elaborate plot to take over the world
Harry McGregor, CEO, Co-Founder
Hmcgregor@osef.org, (520) 661-7875 (CELL)
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