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Re: [school-discuss] Re: Linux Terminal Server
On Mon, 2004-04-05 at 02:45, Dennis Daniels wrote:
> This question is best answered on the k12OSN newslist
> k12osn@redhat.com
> I can say that I'm using k12ltsp. I'm running a 1.5 ghz chip /1.5 gigs
> RAM with a 160 SCSI. I've got 25+ clients on a 10/100 switched network.
> OOo and firefox work without a hitch using icewm.
> A fellow LUGite and I put the whole thing together with donations for
> less than $800. Knowing what I know now, the whole thing could have been
> done for less.
> The k12osn list is swarming with people looking for specs on what to
> buy. Few talk about how to do networks on the cheap... sadly.
I think that is a real issue for schools. Lowering costs is important
and to do needs strong nerve in being objective about cost-benefit of
hardware purchases. Its not difficult to add $1000 to a server and get
very little practical benefit from it but it might be nice to tell your
techie friends you have more clock cycles than they do :-)
The real skill is in getting the performance you need at the best price.
That is one of the big arguments for using GNU/Linux and FLOSS in the
first place.
ian <ian.lynch@zmsl.com>