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RE: [school-discuss] LTSP First Time - why not net-boot?
Well the specific reasons i'd have is gaming :o) if every hard drive has a
copy of a certain network game for the users to play then it's simply a
matter of the teacher running "enableLocalDisks.sh" wouldn't it? :o)
I was hoping you'd say it was still the centrally controlled option ... I
dont' think _I'd_ be comfy with admin'ing 45 machines and a server in Redhat
let alone a LinuxBlind Teacher! :D
I wonder if it would still be benificial to have the beast of a server
though ...
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Wraith [mailto:rgw@trinity.unimelb.edu.au]
Sent: 14 April 2004 13:53
To: schoolforge-discuss@schoolforge.net
Subject: RE: [school-discuss] LTSP First Time - why not net-boot?
You can still mount a local HD on a net-boot machine but there really is
not much point unless you really have a specific reason to. A local HD
only adds complications.
You can, of course, still use floppy drives, CD/DVD drives, USB memory
sticks etc on a net-booted machine as after all it is still a normal PC -
just that the system drive is an nfs mount rather than a local HD.
As I said before a net-booted machine is essentially a normal PC just that
it boots over the wire rather than from a local HD. Apple have a similar
offering where you can net-boot a lab of Macs from a central server rather
than having to maintain umpteen different separate machines. It is a great
way to slash support overheads. And if a machine dies you can just pull it
out and drop a replacment in without the hassle of imaging a new HD.
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