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[school-discuss] Open Administration for Schools 1.30 Released
Open Administration for Schools 1.30 is now available for download. Open
Admin is a freely available (GPL'd) web based school administration
It contains extensive rewrites of the special education site, including
expanded objectives, new objectives PDF report (85 pages of objectives)
with bookmarks, and extensions/fixes to both evaluation masters as well as
evaluation entry.
The discpline system has been rewritten with teacher side entry, authoring
field, and admin side privacy settings.
There is a new report card generation script which is modularized to allow
customization, (normally required by schools) and now does class averages,
and final mark calcs from term values. This incorporates updates from
several schools. This will become the new base code moving forward.
There are numerous other fixes, which are outlined on the ToDo list on the
main OA page.
This can be downloaded from:
Les Richardson
H. Hardcastle School
Edam, SK. Canada