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[school-discuss] style and diction
I've recently discovered 'style' and 'diction'
Both look very exciting! I'm an English teacher with a k12ltsp lab that
I built with scrappy hardware and a lot of help from my local LUG.
I'd like to know if there are any English teachers on this list using OS
and/or any teachers on this list are using 'style' or 'diction' on a
regular basis in the grading process.
Does anyeone use style's grade level scaling as a determiner for
acceptability? I'm going to test it this week, but I'm considering
telling all of my students I won't accept any papers that have less than
an 8th grade writing level on their papers.
Having played with both apps I'm thoroughly convinced I can reduce the
number of first-draft essays. Students can check their papers using
http://readability.info/ They'll cheat of course and tell me the scale
is over 8, so I'd like to hear instances of how people are using either
style or diction to sift the low-level papers out of the stack.
Any thoughts on this? Pros/ cons/ tips/ tricks?