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[school-discuss] Financing Presentations
- To: schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [school-discuss] Financing Presentations
- From: Joel Kahn <jj2kk4@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2006 12:27:32 -0700 (PDT)
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- Reply-to: schoolforge-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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After Steve Hargadon posted his message
about upcoming conferences, I wrote:
>I'm tempted to offer a presentation on the
>untapped artistic possibilities of KSEG;
>however, somebody else would have to
>pay my way to & from wherever I did the gig.
And Sharon Betts chimed in:
>I would love to do something in the OS lab,
>but can't afford the rooms and flights.
I'm going to ask a series of questions, just
in case we might be onto something:
1. How many people out there are in
positions similar to Sharon and I: unable
to make contributions because we lack
the funds to get to the right places?
2. Would a group of FOSS-related
firms &c be willing and able to finance
some presentations in exchange for
the favorable publicity the presenters
could give them at the conferences?
3. Is anything along these lines
already taking place in some form?
4. What has Hewlett-Packard been
up to lately? I know that HP has been
doing Linux, and I also know that my
former employer (a semi-rural school
district) got some kind of a grant from
them a while back.
This is just a crude draft of the central
idea, of course; still, it seems a really
tragic waste of resources that we
can't get useful information to the
appropriate audiences. . . .
Feedback, please!
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