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Re: [school-discuss] software to record Internet addresses accessed?
On Thu, Aug 16, 2007 at 07:38:47PM -0700, Justin wrote:
> > I plan to assign static IPs to all of the computers in my
> > lab. Is there software I can use to see all of the Internet
> > addresses each IP accesses?
Ah, _accesses_.
> > It's called DHCP, and you can assign each ethernet card its own
> > static address based on its hardware MAC address.
> > One really doesn't want to mimic that by hand.
> DHCP = for assigning static IP's.
Yep, sorry for misreading.
> Proxy = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_server
> Basically, the proxy is software that sits between computers
> and the internet, that could provide the internet addresses
> that each IP accesses.
I'd suggest lightsquid as a logfile analyser if squid is going
to be used as proxy server (or something compatible on logs).
> The other trick would be making sure that some adventurous
> student doesn't turn off the proxy at the browser level to
> bypass it all together. This could probably be accomplished
> through a couple router/firewall settings.
Blocking access bypassing proxy on a firewall (or just not
enabling NAT) might help; some prefer to do transparent proxy
(redirecting e.g. :80, :8080 and similar common ports used for
HTTP on proxy:3128), there are lots of articles on this setup.
---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike@xxxxxxxxxxx>
------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/