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[school-discuss] student marking software
[Please include Mr. Bogdan's email address as a recipient for any replies. Doug Loss]
Hi, I am a system administrator at the "Politehnica" University of
Timisoara, Romania (http://www.upt.ro/english/index.php) and I am
looking for an open source implementation of:
a) a "student marking" software. What I have in mind is a php+mysql
implementation in which teachers can mark the students online and the
students can check their marks. (something like
b) a "free classroom" program in which a teacher can mark a classroom
as "occupied" (at the same time interval - weekly) and in case he
can't make it set a note "to recover at <date>"
c) other software (preferably on unix/linux) that can improve
efficiency a university
Also please cc me the answer as I am not on this list.
Thanks in advance,
Vaida Bogdan